Industrial IOT - Weeot for Business

Full IoT potential, just simple

Process control and monitoring

We are focused on helping industries and governments to deploy and take full advantage of new technologies in a simple and natural way, with simple and affordable costs.

We integrate devices and customize views

Weeot® for Business is a technology and advisory solution at the service of companies that allows industries to see their processes in real time, predict and alert anomalies to lower their costs in an agile and simple way without the need for technological knowledge or dedicated resources. to this end.

Main Features

A unique platform

Our unique platform that allows users to self-manage and have control of their physical and virtual devices at any time.

Simple and clear plans, zero tricks

Low deploy costs

Intuitive, friendly and simple

Allows legacy software integration

End-to-end solution

Allows third party devices integration

Let's Make Something
Great Together